Terra Incognita Tuva 
A journey among nomads, shamans and musicians
Book about the home of Huun-Huur-Tu with 144 pages and 120 photos
Current and historical. In times of Corona we can unfortunately only travel in our thoughts
and offer you a beautiful photo book and more. The journey takes us 6000 KM from
Central Europe to the center of Asia.
Around book there is a special edition with a worldwide limited edition in a deluxe box
with hologram and vinyl „The Orphans Lament“ and some other things like a neckerchief ( also corona protection )
Unfortunately the tour of Huun Huur Tu , Covid 19 has been postponed to 2021. All dates will be either
take place in May/June or October 2021
Author Ulrich Balß presents the book on a reading tour in multimedia format with films and pictures at some shows in
Book publication is the 10.10.2020
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