AtlanticBeat – “Mad’in Portugal”


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OqueStrada is born from the vision of Marta Miranda and Pablo – both coming from the world of entertainment, she as a theatre actress with experience on the hidden fado houses and Cape Verdean taverns, where she began to sing, he coming from France with a suitcase full of experience in urban intervention and show design – to create a portable musical project with the shape of a small neighbourhood orchestra ready to travel, where the personality and uniqueness of each one is the key point. They have created a unique cosmopolitan swing which has its roots in portuguese popular music, a blend which made everyone dance at the concert for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in 2012.

The new album “AtlanticBeat Mad’ in Portugal“, is an album with a lot of sea salt and Atlantic breeze that repositions Portugal not as Europe’s back door, but as the front door. A balcony with the best view of the world.
Here OqueStrada’s old motto, “leave to return” is stronger than ever. Between the strength of the Atlantic beat and the weight of old Europe, between what we are and what we may come to be, Atlantic Beat Mad’in Portugal launches a concept of a dancing song, hand-embroidered acoustic dancing music.

In this 2nd album of originals, Joao Lima, Pablo and Marta Miranda found a sound focused on the melodic line of the voice and rhythm of the words, in the harmonies and rhythms of the Portuguese guitar and in the beat of the washtub bass and the deep-voiced bombo drum. This filigree beat is designed using Fado instruments played by those who do not come from the world of Fado, but rather from the bands’ meanderings around the planet over the past twelf years.

They brought together various brilliant classical and pop musicians: André Bahia on guitar, Brazilian Moisés Fernandes with his silvery trumpet, whose music matured in Lisbon’s nights, and the authentic jewels of Portuguese accordion player Marina Henriques and Nelson Almeida. In the studio they were joined by accomplices Sérgio Costa and Nuno Rebocho.


OqueStrada – Orchestrate the road, the pathways, Orchestrate your destiny…A pocket orchestra ready to travel!
Atlantic – Ocean that units Europe, Africa and America shaped like the letter S. It’s name comes from Atlas, a divinity of Greek mythology, the first king of mystical Atlantis. A spirit of Atlantis is said of someone of extraordinary strength, Herculean, (such persons are threatened with extinction).
Beat – Rhythmic pulse; beat or bar ( either musical, cardiac or maritime).
AtlanticBeat – A new Atlantic beat with a Portuguese-speaking heart, favouring the encounter and disconnect with the world (undergoing expansion).
AtlanticBeateiro – A person of faith, sea salt and lots of Atlantic vibe.
Mad’In Portugal – The madness of a country trying to find itself…

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“O coração bate mais forte. É paixão ao primeiro acorde, o corpo dança, a alma estremece e o desejo nasce, no contre-mouvement. AtlanticBeat dá-nos a vontade de viver, contra tudo, contra todos, os que nos enredam e afundam o destino. AtlanticBeat, épico e magnífico, faz o devir acontecer. (…) Portugal merece! OqueStrada, we love you!”
Ana Ferrão (Radar)

The heart beats faster. Passion is the first chord, the body is dancing, the soul shudders and the desire is born in “contre-mouvement”. AtlanticBeat gives us the will to live, against everything, against all of those who ensnare us and fell down in front of the destiny. AtlanticBeat, epic and beautiful, makes a new beginning to come true. Portugal deserves! OqueStrada, we love you!
Ana Ferrão (Radar)

Os Oquestrada são essa espantosa orquestra portátil que nos abre, no peito, uma janela para que o coração veja o horizonte. E para que o horizonte veja o coração. Corações também portáteis. 
Outra ideia, finalmente!, para Portugal. A deles. Deitar poeticamente fogo ao Mar da Palha.  Acender o Atlântico.
Artur Portela in Jornal I

The OqueStrada is this amazing traveler orchestra that opens us the chest, a window so that our hearts see the horizon. And so that the horizon looks to the heart, the hearts are also travelers.
Finally something else!, for Portugal. They poetically set on fire the Sea of Straw. Burn the Atlantic.
Artur Portela in Jornal I

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