“Powerfully expressive voice (Kraftvoll wandelbare Stimme)” Berliner Morgenpost
“Captivating… a singular talent and a huge creative force” Portland Mercury
“Every song is a surprise… this artist is an unbelievable spring of different music styles.” RBB Kulturradio
“Absolutely Tremendous!” Capitol Public Radio
With Cello, Loopstations, effects, and her “powerfully expressive voice” (Berliner Morgenpost), Ashia Bison Rouge creates a whole world made of sounds, rhythms, moods and moving melodies. Dreamy, dynamic pop songs and rhythmic, electronic style pieces are connected by layers of ambient sounds to create what she calls a ‘Song Archipelego’ in her live shows. All the songs and compositions are performed live in the moment and only with her instruments and effects: no electronics, and no synthesizers. Think of it as an Organic-Cello Orchestra Concert! Her style at times comparable to the Portland Cello Project, Zoe Keating, as well as other cello based performers including 2 Cellos.
Ashia Bison Rouge is inspired by nature, ancestry, movement, and dance. Next to her solo-project she has performed with Cirque du Soleil, created pieces for Base Berlin Artistik, Chameleon Theater, and performs a key cello-playing-acting-singing role in the ‘acrobatical’ “Der Helle Wahnsinn”. She was born in Wrocław. Poland, then grew up near Seattle/Portland, USA, and currently lives in Berlin, DE. In Spring of 2015 Ashia Bison Rouge had the honor to perform her solo songs with the Salem Chamber Orchestra in Salem, Oregon. She has also performed with the Songbird Collective, Portland Cello Project, Arstidir, Vagabond Opera, and Jherek Bischoff.
1. Diesel vs Lungs
You’ve got a Rolls Royce, Rolls Royce
I’ve got a box car, box car
Every morning we take them out, out to the start line
and stare down the raceway, and stare own the raceway
looking to champion, or we’re looking to champion
You’ve beat me 9 out of 10 times, but this time I’ve got a plan….
You’ve got a diesel, diesel
I’ve got my lungs, oh oh my lungs
You’ve got the gas to push your pistons, and I’ve got the blood to pump my heart.
And I’ve got an engine to blow your mind.
And I’ve got an engine to blow your mind
And I’ve got an engine to blow you mind
You’ve beat me 9 out of 10 times but this time I’m gonna win…
You’ve got no gas in your tank, I’ve sucked it out along with the oil
You can try to turn the key, and I’ll just stand by laughing sweetly
And you can’t even start. And you can’t even start.
Oh and you can’t even start!
And I’m running to the line, oh I’m running to the line, I’m running to the line..
and I’ve won…
Oh I’ve won with my heart, and my guts, and my lungs, and oh oh oh, I’ve won.
I’ve won.
2. They Take (Ostrava)
They’ll take your love boy, they’ll take your coal
They’ll take your pride boy, they’ll take your steel
And you keep giving boy till they break your will
And you keep giving boy till your blood is bad
I’ll take what’s mine mine mine, I’ll dig deep in your heart
I’ll take what’s mine mine mine, deep down in your roots
And you keep giving boy, ’till your self pours out
And you keep giving boy, ’till you’ve only got doubt doubt doubt
They’ll take your thoughts boy, they’ll take your air
They’ll take your soul boy, they’ll take your earth
But, you keep giving boy, ’till your body is hard
But, you keep giving boy, ’till your dreams are in the ground
And they’ll take your coffin boy, they’ll take your dirt
They’ll take your ghost boy, they’ll take your ashes
And you keep giving boy, and you keep giving.
And you keep giving boy…. they take, they take, they take…..
3. Spirit Dances Evermore
You’ve got the key, just turn the lock, the hinges creek
the door will crack your frozen soul
stuck in the engine of apparatus thoughts
Just open the door and listen, to the deep dark void
Oh your ancestors call you, your ancestors dance
Otwórz, otwórz, twoje drzwi
Otwórz otwóry twoją klatke
i znajdzieś, znajdzieś miłość i siebie
i znajdzieś, znajdzieś duchy….
ah ah ah ah…..
Your fluttered heart, trapped in a cage
with wings to fly, open up your ribs
your bones will break the steel will burst
your blood will run, give yourself up already
and listen to the keep dark void
Oh your ancestors call you
your ancestors dance
Otwórz, otwórz twoje drzwi
Otwórz otwórz twoją klatke
i znajdzieś, znajdzieś miłość i siebie
i znajdzieś, znajdzieś duchy….
ah ah ah ah…..
Your body shakes and trembles
Your mind cracks open
Your heart is on the floor
Your spirit dances evermore
Your bodies shaking, your bones are breaking,
the tones of the music are collaborating with your blood
your thought, your love and naught
Every move is gone is sensation
Your mind cracks open, rocks are rolling
the fissures in your mind are ever-exploding
Volcanoes boom, Dreams a bloom!
Freedom ablaze in your cranium en-hazed!
Coeur, Heart, Serce, Corazon.
No matter how you break it, it tempers the soul
Rage, Rapture, Passion, Hate
Regardless of it all we collaborate
Sirens wailing, spirits exhaling, in the essence
your breath, your excitement is reeling
Your ancestors dancing, prancing, trancing
Taking your fever to the vital force!
Otwórz, otwórz twoje drzwi, Otwórz otwórz twoją klatke…
i znajdzieś, znajdzieś miłość i siebie
i znajdzieś, znajdzieś duchy….
ah ah ah ah…..
4. Głupie Bajeczki
Stary bocian leci w szare chmury
Zapomniany smok leży w ciemnej szafie, ogień zgaszony
Baby Jagi chata z masła roztopiła się na brudnych ulicach
Tysiące krecików patrzą przez okno samotne
A ja tu siedzę z makami w dłoniach, zgubiona w marzeniach
a ja bym chciała rzucić kamyk, i zbić te wszystkie pamiątki
Te głupie bajeczki
trzymają mnie w zamku w chmurach
i ja nie mogę do ciebie dotrzeć
i ja nie mogę się oderwać
nie mogę, nie mogę się oderwać
Cyrkowe lampki migają daleko we mgle, w tle
a twoje oczy we mnie patrzą, zgubione w tych światełkach
A ja nie mogłam się doczekać aż ty się obudziłeś
Możesz mnie znaleźć tam daleko gdzie żubry biegają wolne
Te głupie bajeczki
Trzymają cię w zamku w chmurach
i ja nie mogę do ciebie dotrzeć
i ja nie mogę cię oderwać
nie mogę, nie mogę, nie mogę cię oderwać
Foolish Fairy-tales
An old stork soars in the grey clouds
A forgotten dragon lies in a dark closet, fire extinguished
Baba Yaga’s hut of butter melted on the dirty streets
1000 Moles gaze lonely through a store window
And I’m sitting here with poppies in my palms, lost in dreams
And I’d like to throw a rock, and break all these memories
These foolish fairy tales
Hold me in a castle in the clouds
and I can’t get to you
and I can’t tear myself away
I can’t, I can’t, tear myself away
Circus lamps twinkle far away in the fog, the aether
And your eyes look into me lost in these lights
And I couldn’t wait for you to waken
You can find me far away where the bison run free
These foolish fairy tales
Hold you in a castle in the clouds
And I can’t get to you
And I can’t tear you away
I can’t, I can’t, I can’t
Tear you away
5. Nie było czasu na biżuterię, szlafrok, kosmetyki,
Nie było czasu na herbatę, kawę z ciastkami.
Panika, panika nie ma wyjścia – musimy być silni,
Prędko, prędko zbierajcie się, ogień straszy
Bomby lecą, Bomby lecą
Czerwone maki rosną głęboko w moim śnie,
Tam gdzie rzeka płynie wolno
I dni zmieniają się w lata,
Czerwone maki, czerwone z pasji, czerwone z krwi.
Stary pies szczeka, szare są chmury,
Czarny miecz, czarna kosa.
Błyskawica straszy, samoloty spadają z nieba.
Czołgi burzą wszystko co jest piękne,
Co żyje i co zielone –
Musimy uciekać od tej machiny.
Czerwone maki rosną głęboko w moim śnie,
Tam gdzie rzeka płynie wolno
I śmierć zmienia się w życie –
Czerwone maki, czerwone z pasji, czerwone z krwi.
Vermillion Poppies
There wasn’t time for jewelry, bath robes, cosmetics
There wasn’t time for tea, coffee, with cakes
Panic, Panic there’s no way out – we must be strong
Quickly, quickly gather yourselves, fire frightens
Bombs are falling, the bombs are falling
Vermillion Poppies grow deeply in my dreams
Where the river flows slowly
and days turn into years
Vermillion Poppies, Vermillion from Passion, Vermillion from Blood
An old dog barks, grey clouds,
black sword, black scythe
Lightning frightens, planes are falling from the sky
Tanks are destroying all that is beautiful, all that is green
We must run from this machine
Vermillion Poppies grow deeply in my dreams
Where the river flows slowly
and death turns into life
Vermillion Poppies, Vermillion from Passion, Vermillion from Blood
6. Call Your Own
You don’t need a jungle to survive
You don’t need a jungle to survive
If you’ve got a Crevie to call your own
If you’ve got a Crevie to call your own
And the Dandelion Roots they grow
they grow in cracks, in cracks, in cracks
And the Bristlcone Pine, Bristlecone Pine
Grows on the Tops of Mountains
where nothing else will grow
on the Tops of Mountains
where nothing else will grow
If you plant a see and it won’t grow
If you plant a see and it won’t grow
Just give some water full of love
Just give some water full of love
And the mason bees will work
Oh, they’ll work, they’ll work
And they’ll pollinate, pollinate, pollinate
your dreams, your dreams
Pollinate, Your dreams, Your dreams
And the Stag the stag he runs wild
And the Stork the stork, she flies free
And the Stag the stag he runs wild
And the Stork the stork, she flies free
8. Shepherd’s Wings
The son leaves for gold in the city of lights, the daughter travels to Paris to fulfill her dream as a ballerina, even the family dog runs away to find a pet psychologist to help him with his depression. They find nostalgia and longing for their home and Mother’s love. Upon returning, they are fulfilled with a richer life.
Syn wyjechał do miasta w nieznane
Poszukać to światło, zdobyć to złoto
Dwa, pięć, piętnaście lat minęło i siedzi sam w pokoju
Wzory kwiatowe, ludowe na około
Patrzy na lampę bez światła, zgasić tęsknotę
i pączki, piwo, i Matka Matka Matka
Oh oh She had shepherd’s wings and she wanted to keep her family in
Oh oh she had shepherd’s wings and she wanted to keep her family in
But the glamour of the West wasn’t what she could give best
Her love, her baked goods, her carpet weaving’s
wasn’t enough to keep them from leaving
Córka tańczyła, balerina wybitna
Marzyła o karierze na scenie w Paryżu
Wyjechała do Francji na przesłuchanie
Jurorzy zachwyceni: Takie piękne nogi
Maintenant s’il vous plaît…
Sans vêtements…. nudité, nudité
Tańczyła najpiękniej, i dobrze zarabiała
ale teraz na scenie tylko marzyła….
i pierożki, Matka Boska i niewinne cukierki… nie bon bon
tylko Raczki Raczki Raczki…..
Nawet Piesek uciekał, poszukać pomocy pszchologa zwierzątek
Bo siedziąc na podwórku w depresję wpadł-
jęczał i szczekał i milczał i warczał
i Tylko Pani lekarka Amerykanka mu powiedziała….
jesteś wilczku smutny bo…
bez rodziny samo zło
Oh oh Biedny Wilczku
Daleko od domu smutno
Wracaj szybko, wracaj Wilczku
Mama czeka… Mother ‘s waiting
Oh oh She had shepherd’s wings and she wanted to keep her family in
Oh oh she had shepherd’s wings and she wanted to keep her family in
But the glamour of the West wasn’t what she could give best
Her love, her baked goods, her carpet weaving’s brought them back, oh brought them back, from leaving….
9. Country will do her well
Oh rain, rain it falls on the city streets
Grey clouds enter the grey walls
She is sitting at her window and dreaming of, dreaming of
The farmer he plants his weeds. oh the farmer he plants his weeds
They’ll break down the concrete of his lover’s walls
Oh his roots are better, his roots are better
Oh trains, trains, are screaming down the tracks
Steel is cutting fog, is cutting the night
They are taking her thoughts, oh taking them, to the hills to the hills where…
The farmer he spins his windmills, oh the farmer he spins his windmillls
They’ll break down the rye for his lover’s break,
Oh she’ll fast ’till she’s hungry, she’ll fast till she’s fed
Oh his bread is better, his bread is better
Oh Rouge, rouge cheeks bloom to the sky
Naked feet dance on mushroom moss
Her back’s in the earth, oh the country will do her well
The farmer, oh oh her arms. Oh the farmer, oh oh her arms
She’ll plow the field over her lover’s needs
She’ll hold the harvest of the love they reap
Oh they’ll grow together, they’ll grow together…..
10. Burn Give Bust Love
Oh you Burn oh you burn oh you burn until it Hurts
and you Give oh you give oh you give until it Burns
and you Bust oh you bust oh you bust until it Gives
and you Love oh you love oh you love until it Opens…
I pray to the cosmos every night to give me hands strong enough
to bust it out of the cage, I’ve built for myself
It Darkens my mind, it cloaks my heart, and I can’t take it no more, no more.
It clenches my throat, it binds my arms. Oh they burn
So I burn, and I give, I bust oh bust, and I love.
Oh I burn, and I give, and I bust, and love, oh I love
Look inside my ribcage you will find a space there.
Its the home of my soul and ancestors.
There you’ll find a filament, burning bright.
Burning up my mind and opening up my heart, unclenching my throat, unbinding my arms, my arms, my arms, oh they burn.
So I burn, I give, oh I bust oh I bust, and I love
So I burn, I give, oh I bust oh I bust, and I love
I’m afraid of letting go, I’m afraid of losing control
I’m afraid of what I’ll become, I’m afraid, I’m afraid of the
I’m afraid of letting go, I’m afraid of losing control
I’m afraid of what I’ll become, I’m afraid, I’m afraid of the….
… of the Love…Love… Love….
so I burn, and I give, and I bust, and I … love
Ashia – Gesang, Cello