

In its musical exploitation TAM ‘ECHO’ TAM follows the road opened by music that, coming from Africa to America, melted in with the resources of the New World and created such incommensurable styles as salsa, gospel, jazz and since all four members have been educated in French, French chanson came in as a natural “exercise de style”.

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The album Dawn tries to combine elements from gospel, jazz, African roots music, the French chanson and American folk-bop „Multicolored, poetical, inventive, and literally without boundaries, two men and two women clearly dare to compete in the land of Zap Mama“.

This Brussels-based vocal group is characteristic of that city’s music scene, which is rapidly becoming a cultural melting pot. Of French, Guyanese, Moroccan and Zairian origins, the members of Tam ‘Echo’ Tam rely on their solid mastering of vocal expression to create an eclectic repertoire combining elements from gospel, jazz, African roots music, the French chanson and American folk-bop „Multicolored, poetical, inventive, and literally without boundaries, two men and two women clearly dare to compete in the land of Zap Mama“.

Created in 1993 with with the only goal singing „with the other“, Tam ‘Echo’ Tam in the first place is an encounter of four sensibilities, of four voices. Obvious instruments, Tam ‘Echo’ Tam‘s voices explore most playfully a cappella singing, looking for a natural and direct communication. Talking about playing, one immediately thinks of childhood, imagination, simplicity of expression. Starting their work with improvisation and vocal games, new sounds come to live giving each song its particular tint. The mingle of genders and origins emphasizes all the more the musical variety. The four singers never imposed on themselves a particular style or theme, they long to be the rhythmic and melodic echo of what surrounds them. The compositions absorb light-hearted humor, grace and nostalgic love, always aiming at the greatest accuracy in tone, timing and interpretation; but beyond the accuracy they create suggestive sounds-capes and color its many voices with a touch of blue overtones that often haunt its apparent cheerfulness.

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Valérie Lecot – Each Thursday morning, sports, class in the gymnasium of my college … and it was THE revelation: my voice had echoed and I love to sing. 1985-1986 Music school “Les Trinitaires” in Metz, classical singing; 1987-1992: Music Academy of Brussels; 1992: encounter of Tam’ Echo’ Tam.

Larbi Alami – Born in Antwerp from a modest but large family, he has always sung. In 1988 he buys himself a four track and enjoys recording and comparing a capella songs he sings on his own. One thing leading to another, a proper style rose and he felt like creating his own band. In June 1992 he put an advertising in a Brussels newpaper…

Daniel Vincke – After five years of classical guitar lessons in an academy, he opted for the electrical guitar joining the rock band “Just One Shot” (1985-1990). Feeling like writing he created a duo in which he writes, composes and sings. Two musical crushes (Bobby Mc Ferrin and Zap Mama) come just in time for him to answer Larbi´s ad.

 Aline Bosuma –  is twenty years old when she joins Larbi, Daniel and Valerie to pursue the Tam Echo Tam adventure. She is on the point of concluding her studies in Dramatic Arts.  In the theatre and despite her youth, Aline portrays a very credible Bessie Smith, no wonder, for in her there is blues, jazz, soul; and of course Africa; languages – lingala and swahili that Aline learns in Brussels and sometimes uses in songs for the group. When her vocal flexibility and musical imagination unite with that of Valerie’s  this gives rise to some of the unique sonorities of the Tam Echo Tam repertoire.

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