Past & Present Series: All 3 Photobooks for the price of 2!

Original price was: 90,00 €.Current price is: 65,00 €.

28% Off

32 in stock

47 left

32 in stock

Merry Christmas!

Want a unique and special gift for Christmas?

Put a smile on a travelers face?

Enjoy the world without leaving home?

Lucky for you, we decided to give away one of our renowned Photobooks for FREE, when buying the other two. 

Get all 3 Photobooks for the price of 2 NOW!

Limited offer, we can only do this for 50 orders, until 14.12.2020!

Every city, a unique mix of intersections. Every intersection, full of people.

Every person has its own destination and every path it’s own story.

Working with artists from everywhere around the world, i made some close friends along the road. Fascinated by their culture, i decided to tell magnificient stories.  – Uli Balss

Filled with secret hot-spots from artists and locals,  urban legends and historical backgrounds.

Everything documented in highest quality, with carefully collected music to draw your loved ones into the happenings of another city.

From Street art in the bumpy roads of Lisbon, over to the cultural center of the western world New York, to the geographical heart of Asia, Tuva.


nd take your closes one on an unexpected trip!



Lisboa – Past & Present
Fotobuch with CD , Music from Lisbon
64 Seiten, 93 Fotos
Price : 25.- Euro
New York – Past & Present
Photobook with CD, Music from New York artists
144 pages, 170 fotos
Price: 30 Euro


Terra Incognita – Tuva
144 pages, 120 fotos with exclusive Live-Set from Huun Huur Tu
1 CD Huun Huur Tu Live recorded 2019
1 DVD about throat singing
Price: 35,- Euro


Buy Terra Incognita: TUVA and New York: Past & Present together, get Lisboa: Past & Present for free!

Categories: SKU: 4353-2

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