Extra-Deluxe-Supreme (Vinyl)


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180 Gramm audiophiles Vinyl
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Rattling with the sounds of migration from the caldron of New York City, 
Hazmat Modine returns to Europe rejuvenated. They’ll be serving up the bones of American music on a platter of silver, brass, reeds, electric guitars, violin, and vocal harmonies, and as always, presided over by the dashing harmonica wizard Wade Schuman.

Hazmat will be presenting music from their much anticipated magnum opus, ostensibly entitled Extra-Deluxe-Supreme. The songs present allegories of triumph and tragedy. Musically, the inspiration is drawn from Memphis and Rock Steady- garnished with the sounds of Egyptian Afro-Pop, American roots and Tuvan Soul. Set to simmer, it’s blended and distilled into a distinctive Hazmatian stew.

The new recording Extra-Deluxe-Supreme puts an emphasis on tight vocal harmonies that ring with Gospel overtones. The arrangements are crisp and elaborate in a style that can only be referred to as Baroque Blues.

Recording for this CD Extra-Deluxe-Supreme began in an old converted farm house outside Osnabrück and was finished in New York City. Two of the compositions will include a guest appearance by the Tuvan throat singing group Alash Ensemble, as well as some other surprises.

Hazmat Modine will feature generous portions of their latest concoction, but you can also expect to hear ferocious favorites from the Deep Hazmat catalog as well.

Joining the troop this time around, will be the world traveled drummer/percussionist Tim Keiper (Vieux Farka Toure, Cyro Baptista, John Zorn, etc.).

Hazmat Modine is in full bloom and ready to rumble. Up and rise!

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